The weekly ARES/RACES/ACS Net will be held every Thursday at 7:00pm on the K3ACS repeater. The purpose of this net is to provide Net Control training, test our equipment, share information, and to test propagation throughout the county. All Amateur Radio operators are are invited to participate. For more information about the net please see the links below.
Daily/Weekly Nets:
- WPA Health & Wellness Net: Every weekday morning at 9:00am on 3983 kHz.
- Western Pennsylvania Phone Traffic Net: Daily on 3983.00 kHz with a 5:00 PM check in.
- The Pennsylvania “Fone” Net: Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 8:00 PM on 3910 KHz.
- Monday night ARES D-Star Net: Every Monday night at 9:00 PM the ARES D-Star Net is held on reflector 63 C.
- Tuesday night Pennsylvania Statewide DMR Net: Held every Tuesday evening at 8:00pm on DMR Talkgroup 3142.
- Wednesday night WPA DMR Net: Every Wednesday night at 7:30pm on Talkgroup 31422.
- Thursday night ARES/RACES/ACS Net: Every Thursday night at 7:00pm on the K3ACS repeater.
- Saturday morning Western Pennsylvania ARES Voice Net : 3983.00 kHz with a 9:00 AM check in. Roll is taken by county.
- Sunday morning PA HF NBEMS Net: Sundays at 0730 for Early, Out-of-State Check-ins, and then starts at 0800 for Pennsylvania Check-ins. Frequency is 3583.0 kHz USB / 1500 Hz Waterfall, the mode for initial call-up and check-in is THOR 22. Then switching to MFSK32 or THOR 50×1 for traffic.
- Sunday morning PEMA ACS Statewide Net (1st Sunday of the month): Statewide net starting at 8:00am on 3.993.50 kHz.
- Sunday morning PEMA ACS Western Area Net: 3990.5 kHz with a 9:00 AM check in. Send an email to if you would like to be added to the roster.